
Showing posts from October, 2022


 I must avoid pain and seek pleasure I must take additive substances get addicted and poison myself I must waste all my money on pretty women they will fall in love with me for this and not my personality or good looks I must not swap to avoid the taxman I must use money its a better currency than love I must believe Bitcoin is the best idea of all time it wastes loads of electricity and everybody knows an hashing maths calculation is worth 65000 euro because a bigger fool will pay more I must not learn to grow food in primary school I must learn to count money till 18 to become an accountant I must get a law degree to become a divorce loyar and pluck fools in divorce settlements I must learn to count and mind money I must become a politician to start wars, create stupid laws to benefit the rich and myself and control the world Our country must make weapons I must take up farming and have property living like an american indian doesn't work it never did and never will. I must spend...